Usage for hash tag: roadsafety

  1. P

    TNGT giảm sâu sau khi ban hành Luật và Nghị định 100

    ...này, bạn có thể giúp giảm nguy cơ bị tai nạn giao thông. ======================================= **#trafficaccidents #Law100 #Decreeto100 #roadsafety #trafficsafety** **Traffic accidents decreased deeply after issuing the Law and Decree 100** The Law on Road Traffic Safety No. 23/2007/QH12...
  2. X

    Sử dụng và điều chỉnh gương trên xe sao cho chuẩn?

    ...your blind spots before you move. ### Conclusion Your car mirrors are an essential safety feature. By using and adjusting them correctly, you can improve your visibility and reduce your risk of accidents. ##### 5 Hashtags * #carmirrors * #drivingsafety * #roadsafety * #blindspots *...
  3. B

    Phạt nguội ở 14 tuyến đường trung tâm HCM từ ngày 10/03/2020

    ...lệ giao thông * #an toàn đường bộ ======================================= **#coldfine #14centralroads #March102020 #trafficregulation #roadsafety** **Cold fine in 14 central roads from March 10, 2020** The Land Transport Authority (LTA) has announced that cold fines will be imposed on 14...
  4. L

    Những thói quen xấu khi lái xe của phụ nữ dễ gây ra tai nạn

    ...nạn ô tô * #An toàn đường bộ ======================================= #BadDrivingHabitswomen #WomendRivers #DrivingAccidents #CarAccidents #roadsafety ##Bad driving habits of women can cause accidents **Bad driving habits of women can cause accidents** According to a recent study, women are...
  5. M

    Những sự cố côn xe ô tô thường gặp

    ...* #trafficcones * #an toàn đường bộ * #điều khiển ======================================= #carcone #coneincidents #trafficcones #roadsafety #Driving **Common Car Cone Incidents** Traffic cones are a common sight on roads and highways, but they can also be a source of danger for drivers...
  6. H

    Nhắc nhở: Trong khu dân cư chỉ được quay đầu xe ô tô ở đường giao nhau và nơi có biển báo

    ...======================================= **#DoNotUTurnInResidentialAreas #ResidentialAreatrafficrules #trafficsafety #DrivingResponsibly #roadsafety** **Reminder: In the residential area, the car only turned the car in the intersection and the place where there were signs** In residential...
  7. D

    Mẹo giữ an toàn khi có trẻ nhỏ trên ô tô

    ...* #an toàn cho trẻ * #an toàn đường bộ * #DrivingWithKids ======================================= #childcarsafety #carseats #ChildSafety #roadsafety #DrivingWithKids ### Tips for Keeping Safety When Having Children in Cars Cars are a necessary part of life for many families, but they can...
  8. H

    Mấy bạn cho mình hỏi về xe máy, sao khi thắng tay hoặc thắng chân thì bị sáng đèn trước ( đèn hậu... other drivers, so the rear lights help to make them more visible. Overall, the reason why motorcycles have front lights but not rear lights is to improve visibility for both the motorcycle rider and other drivers. **Hashtags:** * #motorcycle * #Safety * #visibility * #Driving * #roadsafety
  9. N

    Muốn biết xe ô tô có bị ngừng đăng kiểm do dính phạt nguội; gọi số 02437684706

    ...brakes are working properly. * Make sure your car's lights are working properly. * Make sure your car's horn is working properly. By following these tips, you can help to avoid cold penalties and keep your car on the road. **Hashtags:** * #carregistration * #penalty * #DVLA * #MOT *...
  10. D

    Mumbai: nhấn kèn khi dừng đèn đỏ sẽ làm tăng thời gian chờ đèn đỏ

    ...**Mumbai: Pressing the horn at a red light will increase waiting time** #Mumbai #traffic #TrafficSignals #horn #roadsafety A new study by the Mumbai Traffic Police has found that motorists who honk at red lights are actually increasing their own waiting time. The study, which was conducted...
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