Usage for hash tag: SecuritiesSettlement

  1. U

    News Các ngân hàng trung ương cho biết blockchain có thể làm giảm việc giải quyết chứng khoán

    ...* #Securitiessettress * #centralbanks * #cryptocurrency * #công nghệ ======================================= #BlockChain #SecuritiesSettlement #centralbanks #cryptocurrency #technology **Central Banks Say Blockchain Could Shake Up Securities Settlement** Central banks around the world are...
  2. G

    Ngân hàng Anh: Hệ thống giải quyết thế hệ tiếp theo sẽ tương thích DLT

    ...acceptance of DLT in the financial services industry. DLT is seen as a potential solution to a number of challenges facing the financial system, such as high transaction costs, slow settlement times and a lack of transparency. #BankofEngland #DLT #BlockChain #SecuritiesSettlement #centralbanks
  3. E

    ASX kêu gọi xem xét nền tảng giải quyết sổ cái phân tán

    ...serious interest in DLT and is willing to explore its potential for the securities settlement process. #Asx #DistributedleDger #SecuritiesSettlement #DLT #BlockChain **References** * [ASX calls for review of distributed ledger settlement...
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