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Chuyển nhượng Tôi đang tìm mua thẻ Payoneer.Tôi muốn trả tiền với PayPal hoặc chuyển khoản ngân hàng.Nếu bạn đang bán thẻ Payoneer, vui lòng liên hệ với tôi với giá yêu cầu và chi tiết về thẻ.
Transfer I am looking to buy a Payoneer card. I would prefer to pay with PayPal or bank transfer. If you are selling a Payoneer card, please contact me with your asking price and details about the card.
Transfer I am looking to buy a Payoneer card. I would prefer to pay with PayPal or bank transfer. If you are selling a Payoneer card, please contact me with your asking price and details about the card.