Account paypal bị limit nhờ các bạn giúp đỡ!

#PayPal #LimitedAccount #PayPalHelp #paypalaccount #paypalrestricted **Account Paypal is limited: What to do and how to get it back**

Paypal is a popular online payment method that allows you to send and receive money from friends, family, and businesses. However, your Paypal account may be limited for a variety of reasons, such as:

* **Fraudulent activity:** If Paypal suspects that you have engaged in fraudulent activity, such as sending money to a fake recipient or selling counterfeit goods, they may limit your account.
* **Insufficient funds:** If you have insufficient funds in your Paypal account to cover a transaction, your account may be limited.
* **Unpaid debts:** If you have unpaid debts to Paypal, such as fees or chargebacks, your account may be limited.
* **Account inactivity:** If you have not used your Paypal account in a while, Paypal may limit your account to prevent fraud.

If your Paypal account is limited, you will not be able to send or receive money. You will also see a message on your Paypal account page that says "Your account is limited."

**What to do if your Paypal account is limited**

If your Paypal account is limited, you can take the following steps to try to get it back:

1. **Check your Paypal account for any messages from Paypal.** Paypal may send you a message explaining why your account is limited and what you need to do to get it back.
2. **Resolve any outstanding debts.** If you have any unpaid debts to Paypal, such as fees or chargebacks, you will need to resolve them before you can get your account back.
3. **Add funds to your Paypal account.** If you have insufficient funds in your Paypal account, you will need to add funds before you can use your account again.
4. **Use your Paypal account regularly.** If your Paypal account has been inactive for a while, you will need to use it regularly to keep it from being limited again.

**How to get help with a limited Paypal account**

If you are having trouble getting your Paypal account back, you can contact Paypal customer support for help. You can contact Paypal customer support by phone, email, or chat.


* #PayPal
* #LimitedAccount
* #PayPalHelp
* #paypalaccount
* #paypalrestricted
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