Cập nhật tiến trình hợp pháp hoá tiền điện tử tại Malaysia, Ukraine và Indonesia

#cryptocurrency #Malaysia #Ukraine #Indonesia #Regulation **Update on the Process of Legalization of Cryptocurrencies in Malaysia, Ukraine, and Indonesia**

The legalization of cryptocurrencies is a hot topic in many countries around the world. Malaysia, Ukraine, and Indonesia are just a few of the countries that are currently considering or have already implemented new regulations for cryptocurrencies.


In Malaysia, the Securities Commission (SC) is the primary regulator of cryptocurrencies. In 2018, the SC issued a set of guidelines for cryptocurrency exchanges, which require them to be licensed and regulated. The SC has also warned investors about the risks associated with cryptocurrencies, and has advised them to only invest in cryptocurrencies that are listed on licensed exchanges.

In March 2022, the SC announced that it would be conducting a public consultation on the regulation of cryptocurrencies. The consultation is open until May 2022, and the SC is seeking feedback on a proposed framework for regulating cryptocurrencies.


In Ukraine, the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) is the primary regulator of cryptocurrencies. In 2019, the NBU issued a set of regulations for cryptocurrency exchanges, which require them to register with the NBU and to comply with certain AML/KYC requirements. The NBU has also warned investors about the risks associated with cryptocurrencies, and has advised them to only invest in cryptocurrencies that are listed on registered exchanges.

In March 2022, the Ukrainian government announced that it would be creating a new legal framework for cryptocurrencies. The new framework is expected to be introduced in 2023.


In Indonesia, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) is the primary regulator of cryptocurrencies. In 2018, the OJK issued a set of regulations for cryptocurrency exchanges, which require them to be licensed and regulated. The OJK has also warned investors about the risks associated with cryptocurrencies, and has advised them to only invest in cryptocurrencies that are listed on licensed exchanges.

In March 2022, the Indonesian government announced that it would be creating a new legal framework for cryptocurrencies. The new framework is expected to be introduced in 2023.


The legalization of cryptocurrencies is a complex issue, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. The different countries that are considering or have already implemented new regulations for cryptocurrencies are taking different approaches, based on their own unique circumstances.

It is important to note that the legalization of cryptocurrencies does not mean that they are risk-free. Cryptocurrencies are still a new and volatile asset class, and investors should be aware of the risks before investing.


#cryptocurrency #Regulation #Malaysia #Ukraine #Indonesia
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